Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm shaving my head. It's official

If you disagree, speak now or forever hold your peace.
JUST KIDDING! haha thank goodness to all of you for pageants because that's the only reason my hair isn't cut up to my chin yet! I can't even wear pony tails or messy buns at the VC so that's annoying.
But while it was BLAZING down here, YOU GUYS HAD SNOW! bahahahaha just sayin.I don't miss it.

BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING ELSE--- THANK YOU MOMMYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR SENDING THAT STUFF AND FOR MY SUPPPPPER CUTE NEW EARRINGS! I WEAR THEM EVERY DAY!!!!!! YOU KNOW JUST HOW TO MAKE ME HAPPY!!!! Betsey Johnson earrings and a love note? WAHOOOOOO!!!!! I LOVE YOU MOMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! and I hope you had a fun time at Disneyland on your birthday and I hope you're having a BLAST in the cook islands right now!!!!

My letter is gonna be super random today cuz I didn't get time to really collect my thoughts.ummmm ok.

So, last P-day I had the most AMAZING preisthood blessing from Elder White (director of the VC) and I got CRYSTAL CLEAR answers to my prayers! HOW COOL IS THAT?!? usually when I have questions and I get a blessing to help me out, they're usually just blessings of encouragement, but this one came out and ANSWERED my question- even talked about the person I had questions about. coolest thing ever. The only other time I've felt so much peace was my 2nd year at Miss Murray when I knew I'd done my very best and what ever was supposed to happen would happen. When I didn't win, I knew it was all ok. I knew it was all for a reason. I love the Lord and the peace he gives!

Gloria and Dick left Wednesday morning. I am sooooooooooooooo so sad!!!! I will miss them so much! I hope I get to see them again!

I am helping a lot with the work at the VC, Elder White gives me a lot of random responsiblitities. This week, I wrote up a report for him on CMRs, PMRs and Top Boxes... none of those make sense to any of you... but it was really interesting to me and I LOVE responsibilitities and being useful and helpful :D

We're working with the Leivas family on going to the temple. There are like 12 of them and most of them are adopted. I'm so excited for them to be sealed together for eternity!!! They are a really cool family!

Sis McKenna gave me some new hideous dresses for Jody/Jumper Wednesdays (when i dress super ugly :D) I was excited.

Elder Dursteler told us the coolest story. It's called the "Bruised apple" story... if anyone wants to find that story online and email it to me I would be eternally grateful, but basically it's about these businessmen who were walking to their flight and they knocked over a little girls apples from her apple stand. only one man came back to help her and gathered all the apples off and gave her $20 for the damage. The little girl was blind and when he turned to leave she said, "Sir, are you Jesus?" we need to make our actions Christ's actions. I want to be more like Him every single day :D

OH MY GOSH JESSICA ROSE- I met you in 30 years! The Jacobson family reminded me SO much of you! she even has your same gorgeous eyes and does her make up the same way and she looks like you! She's gorgeous! and her husband looks like ben and is FREAKING HILARIOUS! I LOVE their family!!! He kept makin fun of my companion cuz her boyfriend totally lives in Mesa... Long story. basically they met at BYU-I but she had already gotten her call. he's been in ID the whole time untillll next month he's movin home. bahahahaha

Another family we ate with this week was the Wilson Family. Rick- they reminded me a ton of you! He was SO goal oriented and had the kids chanting about attitude and all this stuff. it was crazy i loved it! AND he only speaks portugese to his kids. THEY KNOW PORTUGESE! it's freaking SWEET! I wanna learn spanish so I can do that to my kids. or marry someone who can do that. cuz I want my kids to speak more languages that just english. that would be sweet. Ahhhhh but at the end he
Brother Wilson taught me something really cool. So... a lot of people on their missions write like a "list" of what they want in their future companion, which is a super good idea, cuz you see a lot of families and you have a lot of examples of good and... not as good families on the mish. But instead of writing a list of what he wanted in his future wife, he decided what HE wanted to become. Much better idea I think, so I'm starting my "Super Sunshine" list bahahaha I'm cool. Yes!, I love sharing the Gospel, but this next year and a few months can help me shape the rest of my life and by becoming the best me I can be, I can shape a happy eternity :D how cheezy.=D

Random story... I burned my neck with the curling iron 2 days ago. it looks so so so bad. NOT cool!!!

Saw Meredith this week!!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH! it was so confusing when she walked in though, for some reason I wasn't expecting her, then when someone walked in that looked just like her I just thought "wow she looks like Meredith" what a dork! She's so cute!! yayyyy! She's comin up to BYU in the fall though so I told her she has to visit a bunch before then!
haha got a letter from jake this week from when he was still on his mission! He got switched to Elder Prince and Elder Morris' Mission! He saw the letter that I had written to Elder Prince and stole the addy from there and sent me a letter! It was nice, but I can't write him back cuz he lives in my mission! like 2 seconds away from the VC.

Melissa got bit by a Brown Recluse. GROSS! She found her hand was just swelling in random places... it put her in the hospital and they gave her the wrong antibiotics so now her kidneys failed and she has to do dialisis 3 times a week! HOW AWEFUL right? however... the scar was kinda sweet. staples all over. she looked like frankenstein. gotta look at the bright side I guess.

We have a new VC sister- Sister Crowe. She is the PERFECT sister missionary. Curly permed hair, HUGE smile, ugly shoes. I LOVE HER! She went to Atlanta georgia on her mission, but got sent home for medical reasons. so now shes a service missionary at the VC. She serves 36 hours a week then just lives her life. its pretty sweet.

I've seen a lot of miracles from being dilligent and sacrificing....
Sooo... I'ma make this short... but I hope you all realize the amazingness of this!
Ok, so during conference, Elder White came in and grabbed me and asked me to help out at the VC, there were a few nonmembers there that wanted tours. So I met Millie. We started it off with a prayer, I taught her the basics of lesson 1 2 and 3, the word of wisdom and law of chastity, temples and families, prophets, and at the end, SHE COMMMITED TO BE BAPTIZED! saaaaweeeeeeeeet!!!
When I told her the first vision, she was just like "woah!" "wow!!!"  she LOVED it!
She's in her 60s and from Canada. And is totally getting baptized by the end of this month, I'm sure of it.
She is very strong in her faith, but realized the truth of what I taught her.
HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me and sis everette are staying togetherrrrr!!! and sister McKee is coming to my zoneeeee!!!! I"M SO STOKED!!!! elder dursteller is leaving :(

Super Sunshine List
*I gotta learn another language so I can teach my kids another language :D
*I'ma have pics of the temple in every room of my house :D
*I'ma KNOW the scriptures! I'm getting really good at being able to just pull up random scriptures- one of the reasons I'm glad I came english speaking. I know my scriptures. It's sweet. way more than just scripture master.

I don't really have anything for my sunshine statements cuuzzzz I didn't get it all ready. there will be a plethera next week.

The CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I DO TOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***Sister Sunshine***

and the best part of my whole weekkkkkk!!!
(rene's sister!)

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